Self - Promise

Hello everyone !!!
I’m back once again with my another post. Before that hope all are keeping good mental and physical health. So lets take a ride of our todays post. 
Have you’ll ever made a self – promise to yourself? Most probably the answer will be no and handful of us may say yes and some of us might have did but forgot to follow it. But if I ask have you’ll ever made promises to other people and fulfilled them? Our answer will be definitely yes!!!!
Today, let me directly expose you’ll to the topic. Our topic is about self – promise. 
What is self -promise? Is it necessary? The answer to all your questions are hidden in this post. Lets find it out together.
Self-promise is all about, what you promise to yourself, and you actually try to fulfil it. It is rightly quoted by Ruchi Panjwani, “Promise to self one day, will make myself feel proud on me.” Self-promises are important as we ourselves prove to ourselves that we are trustworthy, loyal, true to ourselves and we can rely on ourselves.
Today as I was sitting I thought of how to be better and do things more well and the answer which my mind whispered was self-promise and I decided to promise myself a lot of things and vowed to follow them .
I promised to myself:
 To be braver than my past;
 I will never stop loving myself though I’m imperfect;
 I won’t stop if I account failure but will try my best again as we all learn something from failure ;
 I’ll be happy for myself; no doubt, I will love others but not depend on them for my happiness;
 I will stop overthinking and taking life negatively;
 I won’t be tensed up about my future but will try to work hard and dedicate myself in making it a grand success;
 To stay away from people who make my life dull and useless;
 To always help others in their needs but prioritising myself first ;
 To take up more and more risks to fulfil my dreams;
 To not to think of ending myself, if I encounter sudden serious situations but to cope up with it; 
 And to be stronger than my struggles.
Self- promises are hard to keep as we somewhere value negative things and people more than positive and good vibes. I too sometimes forget the self-promise but then I realise that I have to keep myself happy first as happiness is infectious. Sometimes looking at our positive behaviour and warm welcoming smile the other persons mood get refreshed and they also smile in their hard situations as our happy smile provides them with some hope.
 A simple example of my self-promise: I didn’t like reading books so I asked one of my friend  who reads lots of novel on how she manages to read so many novels and she answered saying ‘ I also didn’t like to read books but I started reading them by saying ‘I have to read’. Her those simple words,’ I have to read’ , revolved around my ears  for many days and hence I  self- promised myself that I’ll too start reading books and yes I’m fulfilling my promise by reading books till date and even if I feel to escape from the self-promise I remember the words of my friend and also makes myself realise that I have promised it to myself and I have to give it to me.
Some of us will take self- promise lightly as we are both promisor and the promisee and we may feel that its not obligatory to fulfil a self -promise but when we promise to other people we anyhow try to fulfil it and make them happy than why can’t we make us happy by fulfilling self- promises to ourselves? Is it too much difficult for you to keep yourself happy ?.
Someone has rightly said, “The most important person to keep your promises to is yourself.”  When we promise ourselves we become the best version of ourselves as we try to make things better for our own selves. We become strong, confident, boost our productivity and happiness above all it provides us peace of mind where we stay stress free and through self-promise we establish authority over ourselves. 
Today, promise yourself what you want to give to yourself and try to fulfil it to see the very best and strong version of yourself.
I would like to conclude by saying, it is in your hands whether to improve and update yourself and be a better version or to stay with the same old version without new ideas and determination. 
The choice is  completely yours!!!
 Choose the best!!!!


  1. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘it is knowledgeable and fantastic

  2. Very interesting and informative


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