All by Myself !!!

Hello everyone!! 
Nice to meet you'll again and hope all are keeping well. 
So let's start with a quote ..

Someone has rightly said, " Expect more from yourself than from others."
 So, do you rely on someone for happiness, love or even for some notes ? Well, love we get from our parents is different than relying on others to shower you with love. Parents love is unconditional but sometimes they too don't understand our feelings that's a different case. Most of us rely on others for everything and if we don't know something regarding knowledge or studies than we definitely has to rely on a particular source but just for reference not in understanding as it depends on us how we understand the concept . By the time you'll may have recalled about the people on whom you depend to be  happy or for some other things. Did you ever thought of your name while recalling the names of people on whom you depend ? May be yes and may be no and hence our today's topic is self- reliance.
What is self reliance?  Self- reliance refers to one's own powers, ability  and resources rather than depending on others. It also includes doing one's work without other persons help but one can ask guidance in some cases if needed. For example, while writing notes one can ask help from teachers if there is some sort of confusion. It also includes loving , caring and priotising yourself first. 
Self - reliance is important to teach children at a very young age so that children develop their ability to depend on one self as they grow up.  
My mother always taught me to be self- reliant from childhood. She used to make me do my own work such as washing my plate and cup, packing my bag, eating by oneself, putting bedding, doing my homework by myself and lots more under her guidance. She also taught me to be happy by myself, to love myself and to priotize myself which is also a part of self reliance.I used to always hate to do this work but later when I grew up i realised that because of my mother made me do work by myself, now i am able to trust myself in doing my work independently. In my growing years, self- reliance made me take control over my life, it taught me to take care of myself, being motivated and most probably to depend on me. In it made me independent along with developing my personal skills for my better growth . Hence I can say that self-reliance can conquer any tough situations.
Why is self-reliance important? Tomorrow we all will be parents and some of us might become teachers and hence we should understand the importance of self-reliance. Some parents don't give their child enough freedom and hence it looses their self- confidence to do something better in life and hence they depend on their parents for everything. Parents should give only enough freedom which is required otherwise it will have negative and opposite effect on child . They may misuse the freedom and board a wrong path such as engaging in drugs abuse, sexual activities, drinking habbit and lots more . Teachers should also make students understand the meaning of self- reliance to achieve greater heights in life. Teachers should provide students with reference material and tell students to make their own notes under their guidance.
Self reliance is very important nowadays . Nowadays all youth as well as children want readymade things. They really don't work out on any topic. They depend on teachers or other classmates for notes. To be happy they need other people's attention and praises. To be loved they want another person.To do anything they need a partnership. Of course we need support from others but then my question to you all is , why do you need to depend on others when you have yourself which will never hurt nor ignore you in any situation and on whom you can depend on at any time without fear? Do pause for a while and think about it !!
Through my experience of self- reliance, headed by my mother to teach its importance, i learnt the following more lessons : 
• I can make my own choices. 
• I don't depend on others to take decision on certain topics .
• I'm confident and  independent enough to solve any difficulty or face any situation by myself.
• I take responsibility of doing my work on time and by myself.
• If i am hurt, i become my own medicine to heal from that wound. I don't depend on others to heal it. 
• I am happy with myself. 
• I accept challenges and master over it .
And hence according to me self-reliance is the best. What is your opinion ? Do let me know in comment section!!. 
I would like to conclude with quote which I truly agree , by Patricia Sampson, "self-reliance is the only road to true freedom, and being one's own person is it's ultimate reward."



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