Self- knowledge

Hello everyone !!!
Nice to engage with you all again.
So today our topic is self-knowledge. Some of us might wonder what is self-knowledge? How to know about one self? Is it truly important? Let’s find the answers!!!
 Self-knowledge is the knowledge of oneself. It is a broad term which includes the awareness of one's feelings, attributes, motivations, and abilities. It includes how well a person knows themselves and how they gain knowledge of their self. It is wonderfully quoted by Jane Austen, “self-knowledge is the first step to maturity.” When we have self-knowledge of ourselves we know in what we are good at, what are the areas we need Improvement, which field I have to choose, am I capable of it?, is it my choice?, do I really want to do it?, and various questions regarding ourselves we will be able to answer as we have knowledge of ourself. Let’s take an example of academics, we gain knowledge through our teachers, reference books and internet sites and hence we clear the exams in academics. Same way, life is like a question paper with various ups and downs, twisted, easy and difficult question for which self knowledge is one of the important key. Self-knowledge is not always feeding your mind with loads of information it is most importantly of gaining knowledge of what you can do, how emotional you are, how much is your ability, how much of pain and work load one can bear, how you tend to present yourself to others, how rude or friendly are you etc.
How do we get to know about ourselves? I gain my self-knowledge through two minutes of meditation and sometimes even more. I simply sit and remember some situations in which I lost my patience or in which I had lots of patience. I try to figure out the reason behind my certain actions and behaviours. Secondly, sometimes I ask my very best friends if I am really good towards others or I need improvement in treating people right. Thirdly, if I do a successful work of participating in some competition and winning a prize I ask feedback from my teachers as well as friends so that I’ll be more and more polished for next time round. Even if I loose I ask feedback to improve my skills. Lastly, I write down the things, what I want and in what areas I need to improve my progress and hence I keep a track on myself which indirectly helps me to improve myself.
Knowing about one self provides us with following benefits:
 we create a better relationships with others,
we are committed towards our goals and dreams,
we tend to become more creative and confident in work or educational field,
we are able to communicate better,
we get motivated from within which is far more good then people’s feedback and
we can present ourself in a more unique way to others.
If you don’t have knowledge about yourself then you particularly won’t have knowledge about other things. Educational knowledge may be with you but the real knowledge which will definitely water your soul and bloom it, that is, self-knowledge which you don’t know then somewhere at some point a person may be lost. Hence it is important to know about one self.
Hoping all will try to find out about themselves and try to practice self-knowledge.
All the best !!!


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