
Self- knowledge

Hello everyone !!! Nice to engage with you all again. So today our topic is self-knowledge . Some of us might wonder what is self-knowledge? How to know about one self? Is it truly important? Let’s find the answers!!!  Self-knowledge is the knowledge of oneself. It is a broad term which includes the awareness of one's feelings, attributes, motivations, and abilities. It includes how well a person knows themselves and how they gain knowledge of their self. It is wonderfully quoted by Jane Austen, “ self-knowledge is the first step to maturity.” When we have self-knowledge of ourselves we know in what we are good at, what are the areas we need Improvement, which field I have to choose, am I capable of it?, is it my choice?, do I really want to do it?, and various questions regarding ourselves we will be able to answer as we have knowledge of ourself. Let’s take an example of academics, we gain knowledge through our teachers, reference books and internet sites and hence we clear

All by Myself !!!

Hello everyone!!  Nice to meet you'll again and hope all are keeping well.  So let's start with a quote .. Someone has rightly said, " Expect more from yourself than from others."  So, do you rely on someone for happiness, love or even for some notes ? Well, love we get from our parents is different than relying on others to shower you with love. Parents love is unconditional but sometimes they too don't understand our feelings that's a different case. Most of us rely on others for everything and if we don't know something regarding knowledge or studies than we definitely has to rely on a particular source but just for reference not in understanding as it depends on us how we understand the concept . By the time you'll may have recalled about the people on whom you depend to be  happy or for some other things. Did you ever thought of your name while recalling the names of people on whom you depend ? May be yes and may be no and hence our today's to

Self - Promise

Hello everyone !!! I’m back once again with my another post. Before that hope all are keeping good mental and physical health. So lets take a ride of our todays post.  Have you’ll ever made a self – promise to yourself? Most probably the answer will be no and handful of us may say yes and some of us might have did but forgot to follow it. But if I ask have you’ll ever made promises to other people and fulfilled them? Our answer will be definitely yes!!!! Today, let me directly expose you’ll to the topic. Our topic is about self – promise.  What is self -promise? Is it necessary? The answer to all your questions are hidden in this post. Lets find it out together. Self-promise is all about, what you promise to yourself, and you actually try to fulfil it. It is rightly quoted by Ruchi Panjwani, “Promise to self one day, will make myself feel proud on me.” Self -promises are important as we ourselves prove to ourselves that we are trustworthy, loyal, true to ourselves and we ca

Strong Me !!

Hello everyone!! Hope all are keeping well. so its time to read the next post. So are you all ready? assuming your answer as yes, lets start ! Today when I saw myself in mirror, I saw a very self-fulfilling smile on my face with tears in my eyes and a question arose in my mind, was I too busy that I couldn’t see that self -fulfilling smile or I used to just ignore it like how we all ignore the terms and conditions of any application? and when I continued to admire my that smile many flashbacks crossed my mind and I said to that smiling face, “have you noticed how far you came, overcoming all obstacles and cherishing all the happy moments?. You aren’t on the same road full of thrones any more. Yes, you yourself mustered the courage to face all the challenges and overcome it with great determination and thus you yourself brought you victory. You are stronger than you realise and now you can face any obstacles in life. I am proud of you, my girl!!”. Thus, at that time I realised that

Dearest Me !!!

Hello everyone!!  Today I will share my first post, hope you all will enjoy reading it. The first topic, I would like to share is something very interesting and worth practicing in our daily lives. Before we know what is the topic all about let's engage in an activity. List out the names of the people you love the most? Hmmmmm. Assuming, all must have finished writing the names of their loved ones. So, how much time it took to you to write your name first? Exactly, most probably you must have not even bothered to write your name. Do you know why? because we always priotize people first and we forget ourselves. So today you all will be reading about self-love . It is rightly said by Robert Morley, ” To fall in love with yourself, is the first secret to happiness”. Now the questions arises, why self- love? why to prioritize ourselves? The answers to these questions are simple and we will encounter the answers to both these questions as we continue reading further.  For so